What this blog is about!

Now that we know most of our department store cosmetics and household products are full of harmful, cancer-causing and hormone-interrupting chemicals, what can we do about it? This blog is to help us all share ideas on what products we have tried, what products are relatively safe, what is affordable to the general public and what we have found to REALLY WORK! We are in this together!

It probably makes the most sense for you to start with the first post, and work your way up to the current one! We welcome your comments!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Beware of Pinkwashing

With another breast cancer awareness month almost behind us, let me just make an editorial comment about all of the pink ribbon items for sale. Unfortunately, many companies use the pink ribbon and pink packaging to lure customers to purchase their products. At the same time, it is very common for these same manufacturers to be producing products with cancer-causing ingredients. I know! It makes no sense! Please continue to read your labels and don't be encouraged to buy unnecessary and potentially unsafe products just because the packaging has a pink ribbon or label on it. If the manufacturer is claiming to donate a portion of the proceeds to a particular breast cancer organization, do your homework! It might make a lot more sense for you to just send a check to that organization as a donation! Let's face it, donating 50 cents out of a $20 retail purchase is really not much. That manufacturer may have just raised their price 50 cents on that item for breast cancer awareness month. Buy smart!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's so upsetting! Thanks for bringing this up!
